Growing in Jesus Christ & Making Him Known

Gospel Light Church is a small and welcoming church located in the hamlet of DeBolt. We are made up of farmers – both grain and cattle, both big and small – as well as tradesmen and women, and stay at home moms. Many are entrepreneurs and have their own business. Our church has many young and growing families and includes both home and traditional schooling.

For the most part, the families who attend love the outdoors. Everything from simple wiener roasts to quadding, gardening, horseback riding, days at the river, and multi-day hikes. We enjoy the outdoors. We also enjoy good home cooked meals, which is likely due to our deep Mennonite roots. Overall we are quite community oriented and try to be inclusive and welcoming.

We are a diverse mix of personalities from open and outgoing to very reserved. We are a church that has indicated a strong desire to grow spiritually and improve in our discipleship. Our desire is to be growing in Jesus Christ and to make Him known. 

Authority of the Word

The Bible is our rule of faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

The foundation for our relationship with God. (Psalm 100:3, Romans 8:15)

Transforming Discipleship

Helping each one grow deeper in Christ. (Colossians 2:6-7)

Devoted Prayer

Spending time with Jesus. (Colossians 4:2)


Loving people – valuing people as important to God. (2 Peter 3:9)

Equipping relationships – equipping and supporting one another. (Hebrews 10:24-25)


Team Leaders

  • Audio/Visual - Bill Penner - 780-897-8428
  • Custodial - Klara Thielmann  - 780-957-2281
  • Facility Maintenance - Bill Harder - 780-876-3101
  • Head Usher - Larry Magnusson - 780-957-3220
  • Kitchen - Klara Thielmann - 780-957-2281
  • Prayer Chain - Marge Petker - 780-957-2258
  • SLCB Representative - John Petker -780-957-2258
  • Worship Team Coordinator - Cindy Harder - 780-957-3984
  • Administrative Assistant  - Wendy Robitaille  -  780-957-2020